By Andre M. Ortiz

It was a revolutionary idea when Apple first started the app store as it provided people who bought their products with a number of features which had never before been seen. Apple's sales rocketed as the app store put them one step ahead of the competition. It wasn't long before BlackBerry were led to open their own app store as they caught on to rise in sales which applications caused.

Manufacturers of other phones were left with faltering sales as everybody wanted a phone which could have apps on it. This led to the android operating system being created which would have its own applications for phones from a variety of makes separate to BlackBerry and Apple. Unlike Apple and BlackBerry's operating systems which are limited to their handsets, the android operating system is available on a wide range of models.

One of the main reasons for the Android App Marketplace boom is the price of the handsets to android apps can be used on. Discounting one or two BlackBerrys which are slightly older, the newer models from Apple and BlackBerry are financially out of most people's reach. Phones from HTC, Sony Ericsson and Samsung come in a range which lets users enjoy the benefits of the applications yet compared to BlackBerry and Apple handsets are much more affordable.

Another thing which is working in androids favour is that the Android App Marketplace is run by Google, the most trusted and most used website there is. With such a large brand backing the operating system it is likely to be both reliable and have a safe future with plenty more developments to look forward too.

The marketplace for android apps still has an astonishing number of applications available to download for users given that it is relatively new. This means that because of the affordable handsets and apps, android phone owners can enjoy what the Android App Marketplace has to offer and won't be missing out on anything iPhone and Blackberry owners have.

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